How to Install Round or Square Bollards

Surface Mounted Bollards

You can install these bollards on one of four types of surfaces: concrete, asphalt, interlocking pavers, and wooden decks.

To install onto concrete use the standard concrete anchoring procedure using 5/8” wedge, drop in, or sleeve anchors minimum 4” long, and a masonry drill.

Install bollard on concrete

To install onto asphalt, a section of asphalt should be cut out and replaced with a concrete footing at least 16″ deep and about 24″ x 24”wide. The bollard can then be secured using the standard concrete anchoring procedure using 5/8” wedge, drop in, or sleeve anchors minimum 4”, and a masonry drill. Concrete footings can be painted with black paint to blend them into the surrounding asphalt.

Installing onto interlocking pavers or brick sidewalks will create a unique challenge for anchoring bollards in place. The first step is to remove the pavers and dig out the layer of sand beneath them. Next, pour a concrete footing as described above to anchor your bollard to. The footing should be even with the top of the pavers.

To install onto wood make sure that there is ample amount of secured wood to fasten too. Next move bollard into position and pre-drill the 4 holes. Use 4 pieces x 5/8” lag bolts, minimum 4” long and flat washers making sure they are long enough to grasp the wood.

In-Ground Mounted Bollards

For your in-ground mounted bollards, you want to dig out a 24″ x 24″ square hole that is 16″ deep. Center your bollard, ensure it is plumb (vertically level), and pour in your concrete mix, checking the plumb as you pack down the concrete and finish the surface.

Install bollard in asphalt

To mount bollards in-ground in existing concrete such as sidewalks, you will need a concrete saw to cut your 24″ x 24″ hole. You can use a concrete hole saw, and the diameter of the hole saw should be at least 2″ larger in diameter than the diameter of the bollard.

See our selection of surface mounted, in-ground, and removable bollards.